Our facilities

The Club has brand-new facilities at Polo Farm Sports Club on the Littlebourne Road, where hockey, cricket and tennis are also played. Members can use the bar and main clubhouse at Polo Farm. The Croquet Club has three laser-levelled lawns, its own pavilion and an equipment
shed. Summer is the main season for croquet, although it is played all year. Although the ground is Polo Farm owned, the club runs and maintains its own facilities.

The main Croquet Season runs from the beginning of April to the start of October, although play is available in autumn and winter, subject to weather conditions. Both start and end of season dates are marked by special events which are light hearted rather than competitive and attract most Club players.

Membership is open to people of any age from 10 and above. New recruits are always welcome, and all members have the use of our equipment as well as access to coaching from our more experienced players.

Members may have their own key and so are free to use the lawns and club equipment whenever they want to play subject to there being no competitions or events taking part,  for which a schedule is published and updated regularly

For both formats of the game, there are internal events and regional and national leagues and tournaments for those who wish to play competitively. These cater for all levels of player from beginner to expert.

We also host Open competitions, friendly visits from other clubs and evening events for local club organisations.