I hope that this newsletter finds all of you well. As yet I cannot give you any indication of when we will be able to resume croquet at Polo Farm but one hopes that there will soon be some news on this front.
Your committee has met using the Zoom video-conferencing system.
Dave regularly mows the lawns so that they are fit for play when we can restart. Dave and Roger have trimmed the laurel hedge surrounding the lawns. I helped to clear the cuttings, which filled two large skip bags. Groundsman Tim Smith kindly towed these away.
Dave, our treasurer, says that almost all of our 2019 players have paid the 2020-2021 membership fee. He believes this will ensure that our club can survive the crisis. Your support is greatly appreciated.
According to the latest Croquet Association news the only croquet being played is in people’s gardens. Judy has a couple of hoops and two croquet balls so she and I have been able to practise hoop running on our front lawn. We miss playing with you and our social gatherings. Let me know if you have played any croquet in your gardens. My mail address is: richardffhughes@gmail.com
Chairman’s Message
Firstly, I want to thank you for your continuing support of our club. This has enabled us to maintain the facilities of the club and for us to plan ahead with confidence.
Dave, Roger and Frank have done sterling work in keeping the lawns mown and cutting the laurel hedge. A huge “thank you” to them for doing this.
Looking forward, I am getting more confident that we will be playing croquet again before too long.
This may well have to exclude use of the clubhouse and social distancing will have to be strictly enforced.
Thought will have to given to how we allocate partners. I am a great believer that most problems can be solved with thought and determination.
I am heartened to read a letter in The Times of Tuesday May 5 calling for croquet to have restrictions lifted. Hopefully the Croquet Association will be pressing for this.
Rest assured that we will resume play at the first opportunity. I long for the day that we meet again on the lawns…